This is the kind of transit that can do a lot of emotional damage to water or fixed zodiac signs, and yet, the three horoscopes mentioned here today are going to escape that particular karma; instead, we will use that exceptional Martian energy to further our positive feelings and reinforce the relationship. The Moon in harmony with Venus opens the doors to direct contact. This means that if you’ve been hemming and hawing over some topic that’s got both of you bothered, then now is the time and the time is now for improvement and a heart-to-heart talk. Communications are high during this period of time, and if you want ’luck’ in your love life, then you had best open your mouth and say what’s on your mind. This is not the time for repression. Don’t burden yourself any longer; spit it out. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are Luckiest In Love During Aries Season, March 20 - April 19, 2022 If you can use Moon speaking sweetly with Venus for anything, it’s to end something in order to move on. That does not mean your relationship, but it does mean that you both have to agree on the best way to. Move forward. If you take the time, trust each other and listen to the other’s one’s requests and/or desires, then you will be well on your way to being able to say that you are true, lucky in love. Luck, like money, is a result of effort. You don’t just get it — you work for it.
3 Zodiac Signs Who Are Luckiest In Love During the Moon Sextile Venus Starting April 2, 2022
1. Taurus
(April 20 - May 20) You are lucky in love because you’ve made love a priority in your life. You are no longer the person you once were, and you take your love life very seriously. Sure, we all go through phases where we are either highly dramatic about our romantic lives, or we take them for granted…now, during Moon sextile Venus, you’ll not only take your life seriously, you’ll fight for it. And you won’t be fighting with your partner, but with the naysayers and doubters within your friend’s circle. People really didn’t think you two would last, and now you have the chance to not only laugh in their face but to give them an example of what real love looks like, just in case they might want this at some point in their life. You and your partner are the shining example of a love life that works. And if someone in your life doesn’t like it, they can close the door on their way out. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s April 2022 New Moon In Aries Love Horoscopes For All Zodiac Signs
2. Scorpio
(October 23 - November 21) What makes your love life so ’lucky’ is that it’s lasted, and that means that you and your partner have been through enough to know that it will continue to last. You are a strong person, Scorpio, and you need a strong partner to accompany you through this thing called life. Thankfully, you’ve found someone whom you consider to be your equal, as there could be no other way to do this. Moon sextile Venus may aggravate a few of the other signs, but for you, Scorpio, it only heightens your desire for success. You like the feeling of competing, and you adore being the best. And if being the best means having the most successful relationship among the people you know, then consider yourself lucky. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Monthly Love Horoscope For April 2022
3. Sagittarius
(November 22 - December 21) You have no interest in high drama or low blows. Relationships are not things that can be destroyed, in your mind; you are in it to win it, in other words, and you won’t let a fight or a disagreement stir things up to the point where you both walk away disgruntled. Those days are over in your world, Sagittarius. You want luck, and you are prepared to make it so. You’ve chosen a mate who is just as into it as you are, and that’s a recipe for success, right there. The Moon sextile Venus taps into your subconscious and stirs up your need for peace and harmony. With a need like that, the way is clear: avoid drama and rid yourself of as much negativity as you possibly can. If both you and your partner agree to a drama-free existence, guess what you’ll get? A drama-free existence. How lucky. RELATED: How Mercury In Pisces Affects Each Zodiac Sign, March 9, 2022 - April 8, 2022 Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter.